『本陣殺人事件』だが、角川文庫の総帥であった角川春樹が角川春樹事務所を立ち上げ 『犬神家の一族』を発表して世に横溝正史ブームを巻き起こす必要に発表された作品で、探偵小説の名作である当作を原作に忠実に映画化したとして記憶に残る作品です。
しかしいかんせんATGという低予算でアーティスティックな映画ばかり製作していた会社の作品だけに、 『犬神家‥』以降のメジャー系の配給網で拡大公開された作品群と比較されれば今ひとつ知名度も低くマイナーな存在と言わざるを得ないだろう。
Although it was the “Honjin Murder Case”, Haruki Kadokawa, the president of Kadokawa Bunko, launched the Kadokawa Haruki Office and released “The Inugami Clan” to announce the need to create a boom for Masafumi Yokomizo. It is a memorable work as if it was a masterpiece of this film and faithfully made into a movie.
However, only the works of a company that produced only artistic movies with a low budget, ATG, are not as well known as the works that have been expanded and released on major distribution networks since “Inugamiya…”. I must say that it is a minor presence.
The motive of the crime has become somewhat unclear due to the modern setting of the times.

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